Πέμπτη 30 Ιουλίου 2009

7 τρόποι για να bloggarετε ανώνυμα

7 ways to blog anonymously {updated}

June 16th, 2009 by paulbradshaw

Following today’s landmark judgement on one blogger’s right (or not) to anonymity, I thought it might be useful to post the following tips on maintaining anonymity online.

1. Use an anonymous email account to register your blog. Hushmail is one free service that provides encrypted accounts; RiseUp is aimed at activists; MintEmail gives you a 3 hour temporary email address and FilzMail gives you one that expires after 24 hours. You could also use these to post to your blog via email. Posterous is a great blogging service that allows you to do this.

2. Make sure your IP address isn’t logged when you register or post to the blog. You could use something like Anonymizer or Tor or Psiphon. Other services that mask your IP are listed on this forum.

3. Or you could use an anonymous blogging platform. Invisiblog was one but no longer exists. BlogACause claims to be “anonymous” but I’m trying to find out exactly how UPDATE: here’s how, apparently. In the meantime, this post recommends Wordpress and something like Tor.

4. Use a pseudonym that you don’t use anywhere else. If you use a pseudonym, don’t use it on other services as well, as this will make it easier to trace you. If you’re struggling, this Random Name Generator will create one for you.

5. If you’re going to register a domain name do so anonymously with a service like The Online Policy Group.

6. Be careful what information you include. Although police blogger NightJack changed or did not include names in cases he was involved in, the details were specific enough for a journalist to track him down.

7. Don’t win awards. Or book deals. It’s safe to say that a major newspaper would not have been interested in the identities of NightJack or Girl With A One Track Mind if both had remained cult underground heroes. So just pretend you’re sub-literate, OK?

For more information, the following guides go into much more detail:

More links and tips welcome. My Delicious bookmarks on anonymity are at http://delicious.com/paulb/anonymity

Written by Paul Bradshaw - Visit Website

(Μερικά λινκς, τα πρόσθεσα εγώ)
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5 σχόλια:

manetarius είπε...

Σιγά σιγά με σένα που έχουμε μπλέξει και με τα τελευταία ξενόγλωσσα ποστ σου... θα πάρουμε το TOEFL!


HappyHour είπε...

Χαχαχαχα,το σχόλιο απο πάνω αχαχαχαχα !
Ωραία όλα αυτά αλλά για τίποτα χακερς για μας τις ξανθιές αρκεί ένα ψευδώνυμο. Ας με βρούνε ρε τι θα μου κάνουν ; Θα μου κλ.... (με το παρδον κιόλας).

Unknown είπε...

Κάνε μια μετάφραση καλέ....

Αntidrasex είπε...

Οκ, μη βαράτε, μόλις προκάμω θα μεταφράσω.
Κορίτσια στην αρχή, τι γλώσσα πια...
Σε κάτι τέτοια μπλογκ μπαίνετε και έχετε χαλάσει...

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Καλό καλοκαίρι φίλε αντίδραση+σεξ.
Να περνάς καλά σε ότι και να κάνεις

Εγώ κάνω μέχρι στιγμής διακοπές και ετοιμάζω μετα τις 15 του μηνός ένα δυναμικό ντού.
Μέχρι τότε να περνάς καλά.

*συγγνώμη που έβαλα την σπαστική "λεκτική επαλήθευση" στα σχόλια. Έχουν όμως πολλαπλασιαστεί τα "σπάμ" σχόλια με κινέζικα και μου έχουν σπάσει τα νεύρα


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